Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So as you can see, I had a bad day yesterday! I just wanted to thank all of my friends and family members that commented and wrote me emails. It really helped motivate me to want this more. I know I'm being extremely selfish. I want to finish this through the end, so I'm not calling it quits just yet! I stepped on the scale this morning (I try not to, but so tempting) and I was down another pound. I hope that keeps me motivated the rest of the week!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Throwing in the towel

Seriously, I am so over dieting. It is making me angry and I don't want to be angry. I lost a big fat 0 this week and I'm seriously pissed about it. I hate that I'm fat. I hate that I've lost nearly 30 pounds and I'm still fat. I have no body but myself to make me lose this weight. I have 3 little kids that need my constant attention all day long and the last thing I want to do at the end of the day is 60 minutes on the elliptical. I HATE watching what I eat and not being able to go up to the fridge on a bad day and eat what I want. I'm seriously thinking that this is my permanent weight forever.

Monday, August 3, 2009


I don't have a lot to say. I've been in a super bad mood all weekend. I'm glad I had a loss, I was expecting to gain or stay even. The heat was brutal this week. I HATE making excuses. It was literally 99 degrees in my house one night. I would have gone to the ER if I would have worked out in that. Anyway, I'm not looking forward to my birthday tomorrow. I feel old and fat.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 63

My Workout
Elliptical Trainer: 55 minutes-Level 8

My Diet

Breakfast (1)
1 Oro Wheat sandwich thin (1)
spray butter (0)

Morning Snack (0)

Lunch (5)
1 Oro Wheat sandwich thin (1)
6 slices turkey lunch meat (2)
2 slices sandwich pickles (0)
6 deli sliced jalapenos (0)
lettuce (0)
1 slice tomato (0)
1 tsp spicy mustard (0)
14 sour cream and onion baked lays (2)

Afternoon Snack (1)
1 sugar free Popsicle

Dinner (7)
Grilled chicken pita from Extreme Pita

Night Time Snack (1)
Sugar Free Popsicle

Total Points: 15 (target 20)

I was able to get on the elliptical in the morning before it got super hot. It was 80 degrees outside already, but that is much better then the mid 90s it was today. I was pouring sweat but it felt so good to get it done with. I did awesome with my diet today too. The next few days is suppose to be even hotter. I hope I'm still able to work out in the heat. I think if I put a fan on me during my workout I should be fine!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

New Weigh-In Day

I've decided to weigh in on Sundays. I like to weigh in on a day that I have worked out the day before. It will also hopefully keep me accountable for doing my Saturday workout. It's usually pretty easy for me to talk myself out of working out on Saturday. Today was my first Sunday weigh in. -2. I suppose that is what it going to be from now on. I have to be ok with it. It's not terrible, but I just love to see -5. This week I am going to start entering my daily diet as well (starting Monday). Really keep me accountable. It's also suppose to be 90+ degrees all week, so I'm hoping to either get my work out in the early morning or late at night. I refuse to talk myself out of it, even in the heat. Maybe I'll even burn more calories ;) Oh and I have met my birthday goal a week early. Only 1 more pound to my pre-pregnancy weight!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

REALLY slow and steady!

I don't know why I'm not happy with a -2 weight loss. I know I should be, but I just want to lose this blasted weight! I only have 1 more pound to lose to reach my birthday goal of -25 pounds, and my birthday is in two weeks. I'm totally going to step it up this week. I've been bad lately about having a bite of the kids food after they are done with it. I don't know what is with that. I just lose my mind! So -2 is good. Derek said if I lose 2 pounds a week till my brother comes home then I will be at my goal. So I am on the right track!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Slow and Steady

-2. I guess that's good, but I like to see 3 or more. I really shouldn't be greedy. I worked out 6 days this week and half way through the week I went from a level 7 to an 8 on the elliptical. Doing that for an hour it said I burned 900 calories. I love it! I suppose that is why I thought I would lose more. ANYWAY, I'm only 3 pounds away from the birthday goal, and my birthday is in 3 weeks. I think I'm on the right track!!